
The good warlocks of WOW

The good warlocks will go demo, and losing KJC will help them gold for wow (smart demo locks don't need it, and we'll be getting buffs to compensate).The only difference this will make is that it makes warlocks less fun for the average player. 

Oh and it'll wreck inter-spec balance.But since those sound like worthy design goals, let's all embrace this change for its vision and noble purpose. More homogenization.
Fel flame = scorch (same cast time, cast while moving, suboptimal filler)
KJC = Spiritwalker's Grace.

And for what? No one, not a blue, not other players, has been able to justify this nerf. 
KJC is still the best talent for 90% of warlocks (MF will still be used for niche AoE fights, and AV is still useless), so this change hasn't promoted diversity.Casting while moving also doesn't inherently make ranged classes OP. It didn't make hunters OP, and it certainly didn't make elemental shamans OP. Warlocks are strong because of other reasons (trinkets, and metagems), and we were balanced around that. Now they have to buff us to remove KJC (leaving us in the same spot numberwise), so that they can fix... what?

What are they fixing here?What is the goal?
Seriously, if one person, blue or otherwise, could answer that, I would be ok with these changes. As it is, it's like saying there's a leak in the bathroom, so let's smash down the wall, gut the plumbing, and reroute it so that it all performs the same, just with different pipes. 

Making the KJC snare into 25%/50% would have been enough to discourage it for many fights where movement is the challenging mechanic. buy cheap wow accounts This rework is completely pointless. 

