
LOL, Who's a WoW Hater?

Watch the struggle of the WoW haters as time passes on WoW accounts cheap .
Of course those virtual realms are not static. They can add up, just like the mechanics of BGs or dungeons.
Eventually WoW sell WoW account will be played as one huge server cluster. The solution - along with the unseen background loading on cross server game play of avatars on different servers - is unseen in MMO land. Instead of playing with 2k players per faction per server, Blizzard can now seamlessly regroup players on server clusters up to the number of players they choose: say 100k to start with...
All without loading screens and behind a mechanism that is transparent for each player.
This server cluster leads to a 100k player world within each cluster. And of course it is virtual, so it can change on the fly.
It is the worstcase scenario of any WoW hater. Buy wow accounts.
LOL, who's a wow hater?  It's just funny to listen to non-tech people try and speak authoritatively about server architecture.  The reality is that yes, while technically one could change realm groupings up "on the fly" as you suggest, that is not the stated intent in this case.  You are confusing CRZ with realm merges, they're two very different things.  The expectation is that players will be grouping long-term under the new merged arrangement, forming guilds and ongoing progression teams, etc.  You may also be confusing the idea of a realm with physical servers.  All realms (and all of the toons playing in each realm) exist on a single server in each data center.  The realms are simply being virtually "merged" into larger groups.  Finally, I'm not sure where you are getting the idea that load screens are leaving WoW, they will still be around because (again) of the way Blizzard has built their server structure.  Each time you leave one "chunk" of the world to another (e.g. play world to a BG, continent to continent, etc.), you'll still have a load screen because your toon is being handed off to a new server at that time..
Before you go too happy on the wow hater thing, you might want to employ some reading comprehension and realize I've said this is *finally* a good solution that we've been waiting two years for.  If it works, complaints over low/no pop issues should go away completely and this will finally feel less like a single-player game again!

