
Annoy to Pick One or the Oother.

My options for doing Dominance dailies is either to wear my pvp gear Where to sell World of Warcraft accounts  and take forever to actually do the pve objectives or wear pve gear and get absolutely destroyed by the other faction's players. The marriage of pve and pvp is not working out.  It won't as long as separate gear itemization is required. It will always be annoying for someone to pick one or the other.

They shouldn't be trying to mix the two if they want to continue pushing different gear for different aspects.
Except the gear itemization really isn't that different anymore.   Resilience and PvP power are now 'bonus' stats on the gear - they don't take away from other stats.  Yes, the PvP gear is at a slightly lower item level, but t but it's by such a small amount that it wouldn't make any difference when doing dailies.   Having ten less Strength or Intellect on your gear isn't going to make dailies  take significantly less time. The item level difference may matter when you're trying to hit the enrage timers on heroic bosses.  It won't make any significant difference when killing quest mobs.
I was assuming your PvE and PvP gear were roughly the same item level, not that there was a 30 item level difference between them.Even so - as I mentioned in my other response - 466 PvP gear is still a higher item level than you need for quest dailies.  where to buy WoW accounts Having 20K spell power vs. 30K spell power isn't really significant when you're talking about a mob that dies in a few seconds in either set of gear.

This set of dailies takes place in a fairly small cave setting with both factions fighting for the same mobs (hence the wanting to wear pvp gear) and the Mogu have a shared health pool over 1million and the spirit traps have 1.1million health and spawn adds as you kill them (hence the wanting to wear pve gear).


How about adding pvp as a spec?

Base resilience is 40% btw, not 30%.  A smooth, gear-independent change to reduce burst would be buffing it to 45-50%.  However, fast wow gold then healing gets stronger.  It's a tricky balancing act.
How about adding pvp as a spec?  Just like in dual spec'ing but one for pvp and have a choice pvp gear when lvling. It seems to me that if you are going to add pvp as part of the game, why not scale the gear one gets to pvp? or have the gear change to pvp stats when switching over to your pvp spec. Bad idea? 
 It's not a bad idea but there have been dozens of great suggestions that Blizzard has ignored. Star Wars TOR is one of the few games that has gotten it right, and their mechanics heavily mirror Warcraft. I love PvP but it's been an imperfect system since it was introduced, and it all boils down to the fact that Warcraft is a numbers game with levels and changing gear stats.
Y'know, I think Blizzard has Alts all wrong.

Endgame progress houldn't be individual, Where to sell World of Warcraft accounts  since it's time sensitive. The endgame only lasts for one expansion, then you have lag as the poor schmucks all level up their alts again and are late getting into the endgame, struggle to gear up, never effectively do it, etc, etc.

Likewise, the levelling process, the one thing that doesn't change with each expansion, but only gets prolonged.... is the thing that Blizzard pushes characters through crazily fast. Rested gives you double EXP, an extra 50% from a full heirloom set. what, 10% from your guild? Let's throw in the darkmoon carousel for another 10, and that one use item from pandaria taht gives you 300% for an hour.

that's 570% exp gain! And I'm sure there's lots of way to up that! (Say you're a monk.)

Leveling is far less repetitive than endgame grinding. buy cheap wow accounts I say they should make reputation, and justice/valor/conquest/honor points account wide. It would help with the tedium ALOT. You'd still have a weekly cap on your points, but you'd be able to reach it faster with Alts (probably). Plus if you're using valor on your main, and have an excess of justice....spend it with your alt!


Protect Yourselves World of Warcraft Accounts

I can see how this is an issue. how to buy wow gold The mobile armory doesn't ask for an authentication code, so if you have someones username/password, you can just login via mobile armory, buy something off the AH and your done. It's a little stupid that Blizzard put all this security in, but fail to add security measures to the mobile app, such as only allowing only certain phones to access it etc.

I highly doubt this is a virus/malware issue, probably just someone that has gained usernames/password from a source and used them on mobile armory.
Actually, you only need an Authenticator to Sell things and claim the gold you earn. You don't need one to buy anything of the AH or use Gchat. where to buy wow accounts I have just tested, I can 100% confirm you DO need to import or enter an auth code when buying.  Guild chat does not however require a code.
Same here. I use the iPhone armoury and authenticator apps, and the armoury requires authentication to make a buyout on the AH. I just realised what I did, you can only bit when logged into the game at the same time, silly me thanks for the correction! Changed my mobile number a couple of weeks ago and luckily remembered to update Blizz with it for SMS protect.
Such a shame that  having an authenticator isn't ernough to feel safe anymore.
Also - unrelated as such, I'm trying to share this on Twitter as I have more WoW playing friends on there than anywhere but all pressing the button does is add the count to it but it doesn't share it to my feed, buy wow account any help on that?


I don't understand PVP changes

I'm a pvper and I can't say I hate these changes, though I don't understand them either. buy cheap wow accounts Why is it acceptable for a raider in full t14 pve gear to have the same stats and resilience in arena as me in full conquest gear?  And a T15 heroic raider with upgraded gear doing pvp dailies on the isle will wipe up somebody with even <i>elite</i> conquest gear.
Some raid gear will be sporting an ilvl of 549 in 5.3, while pvp will be capped at 496.  That's a much larger delta than even going from pandaria questing gear to S13E gear.  Does that sound reasonable?
I applaud their efforts to make arena more equal, but I play on a pvp server for a reason.  That purpose isn't to gank raiders, but it also isn't to <i>get ganked</i> by raiders like in Vanilla.  I want to be on at least equal footing.
 As someone who enjoys world PVP, I'm honestly okay with it taking a back-seat to balancing Arenas/Battlegrounds, but it is something I hope they address.  Upgraded Heroic Thunderforged will destroy everybody out in the world.
 I'm not sure what you mean.   You set the context when you said you were ok with the back-seating of world PvP balance.  I was just saying that "back-seating" seems to be an understatement of what's actually happening.  Back-seat implies at least some consideration.
I'm just contending that they are not considering world PvP it at all. Where to sell World of Warcraft accounts  (being the bitter cynical guy I am 
So say I'm a strict PvPer...and I want to get Daily quests done for Gold..I'm going to have to raid to do dailies because Heroic Mode Raiders can pretty much 3shot me ?


Stop ignore WOW fact

 MASTERS1125 have you ever read the patch notes AT ALL ilevel 476 malv gear is comparative to ilevel 483 malv gear buy cheap wow accounts Stop ignore this fact, but now I'm gonna ignore you cause you have no idea what are you TALKING ABOUT.
 every piece of MALV gear has at least 500+ base resil which equates to extra 2.82 percent per piece without gems.
 This is just the 5 base stats + they also get 500+ base pvp power, read research do what ever you want ITS FUCKING LIVE. HONOR GEAR is comparative to RAID FINDER GEAR but Resil is soooo broke you might as well spend a whole week getting it and not wear anything else.
 Why should gear have to be comparable on a PVP realm for WPVP?  If you chose to roll on a PVP realm, then by all means gear yourself for such.  I do my dailies on my PVP realm in my PVP gear & only use my PVE gear for instances.  I can see how making the gear comparable on a PVE realm would be appropriate because it is a PVE realm.  Not the other way around.  
 That's how I play on the pvp server I play on. I only wear pve gear in pve instance/raid. I keep finding though that those in high end raid gear blow me out of the water vs my honor/conquest point pvp gear. Blizzard has never gotten this right.
 My other issue is that though I like pvp I don't like or do arena so getting pvp weapons has been a problem. Pvp weapons make a huge difference in pvp for the world. 

 With honor pvp gear but no pvp weapons you PvP power is going to be 20 pvp power lower I've noted. That's not a good thing to run across in world pvp. WoW gold buying I shouldn't have to do arenas or join a guild doing rated "instance" battle grounds in order to gain pvp weapons for my use in doing world activities on a pvp server.


Mogu coins on bonus rolls

Not a fan of the explosive trap change. But, wow gold for sell does this mean this entire time I have been wasting Mogu coins on bonus rolls for pets ?! I always thought there was a chance to win a pet on a bonus roll
 I'm not too worried about the explosive trap change.  Since you can now run Black Arrow simultaneously, you'll still get LnL procs during Explosive Trap.  Only the proc source is changing.
"Shadowform now increases the Priest's armor by 60%, but no longer reduces all damage taken by 15%." 
My Shadow Priest is very happy about the change to shadow form.  Last I saw, we were losing damage mitigation with no replacement.  60% extra armor seems an awful lot, so I'll be curious to see whether that value is what remains.  But assuming something like this stays in, I'll be happy.
That's a lot of warrior quality of life buffs. and some buffs for Arms. Wonder what made them finally give up the ghost on shield requirements?
Still don't see Stormbolt being taken as fury, Bloodbath works better with their mechanics, and SB only becomes great inside a CS window - which arms can guarantee.

 I take bloodbath and just macro it into Colossus Smash, so when it comes up, it gets used. I put errrr that one that is like a 30 sec cooldown, whatever it is called on mortal strike...upped my dps decently, cause otherwise I wouldn't remember to use them


The good warlocks of WOW

The good warlocks will go demo, and losing KJC will help them gold for wow (smart demo locks don't need it, and we'll be getting buffs to compensate).The only difference this will make is that it makes warlocks less fun for the average player. 

Oh and it'll wreck inter-spec balance.But since those sound like worthy design goals, let's all embrace this change for its vision and noble purpose. More homogenization.
Fel flame = scorch (same cast time, cast while moving, suboptimal filler)
KJC = Spiritwalker's Grace.

And for what? No one, not a blue, not other players, has been able to justify this nerf. 
KJC is still the best talent for 90% of warlocks (MF will still be used for niche AoE fights, and AV is still useless), so this change hasn't promoted diversity.Casting while moving also doesn't inherently make ranged classes OP. It didn't make hunters OP, and it certainly didn't make elemental shamans OP. Warlocks are strong because of other reasons (trinkets, and metagems), and we were balanced around that. Now they have to buff us to remove KJC (leaving us in the same spot numberwise), so that they can fix... what?

What are they fixing here?What is the goal?
Seriously, if one person, blue or otherwise, could answer that, I would be ok with these changes. As it is, it's like saying there's a leak in the bathroom, so let's smash down the wall, gut the plumbing, and reroute it so that it all performs the same, just with different pipes. 

Making the KJC snare into 25%/50% would have been enough to discourage it for many fights where movement is the challenging mechanic. buy cheap wow accounts This rework is completely pointless. 

REASONS FOR my friends left WOW

Nerfing content is not even really on the list of why myself and many of my friends left wow. wow gold for sell
The reasons why we left goes as follows.
#1 Age of the game - we all been playing since either Vanilla like myself or BC like a handful of others.  The game just does not appeal to us anymore
#2 Every class is just like another * for example making my Pali Active defensive like the DK.  If I wanted to play a DK I would.  Druids in BC were good with hots, Palis single target healer, Priest with everything.  Today one class is just as good as another
#3 LFR tool and LFG tool -  Yes as a casual player today who once was a hardcore player the community side of WOW has gone to the shitter. wow gold buying People who once would put in a little effort into being apart of a guild today will sit there and tell you go use the LFG tools.  Too many people become apart of the lobby game crowd that should have stayed in Diablo type games
#4 Reuses of the same old content.  Not going to rehash this old deal
#5 making all the 5 man instances AOE friendly to no end.  BC Normal instances were some what of a challenge and you could get gear from these instances to cobble together gear for raiding.  Heroics were better to get gear from however it was not necessary so the gear treadmill was not as pronounced.  People also had to learn to use CC and had to learn to work as a team.  Today you dont like a person call them names and kick them no need for helping people

#6 the game has become a gear grind, yes WoW was always somewhat of a gear grind however in Vanilla and BC people cobbled together gear from instances vs todays path.  Quest and leveling instances to get to normal end game instances to get to heroic instances to get into LFR, LFR for normals.  And yea that treadmill is done and over with


Hardware Accelerated Audio

You understand that hardware accelerated audio is far better than the integrated crap that most computers use, right?
There's an entire market of sound cards to themselves.wow gold for sell  This has never changed.
Not only does the sound quality increase, additional effects added, but offloading sound processing to the sound card increases performance.
The big change was when Microsoft changed API's, and the older, DirectSound3D standard was now ignored. Games made before this change lose all audio hardware acceleration when played on Windows Vista and up.
Creative Labs released Creative ALchemy, which translates the OpenAL calls to DirectSound3D calls. This could be used to provide hardware audio acceleration to WoW, unfortunately it was never updated to support the 64-bit version of WoW. So your choices were run in 32-bit and have hardware audio acceleration, or 64-bit mode without it. Removing it and calling it a "vestigial" option is asinine. buy cheap wow accounts That's like removing half the resolution options as "vestigial."
If you have a hardcore gaming system, you have a gaming sound card. The garbage that's built into most systems is just that, garbage.
So, KJC is gone, Fel Armor's 10% damage reduce is gone... WHY THE FUCK ?
So, in our last tear, while everyone else gets really useful spells, we have to get one with a cooldown of 1.5m and that can only be used for 15 seconds ? KJC will go from most used to least used. PVP'ers will go with Archimonde's Revenge, and PVE'ers will go to Mannoroth's Fury for increased DPS in multi target fights.


Blizzard Hhas Managed

Blizzard has managed, with just 2 lines in the PTR notes, what mages have been unable to do: kill warlocks. wow gold for sell This isn't just QQ. If you play a level 90 lock, you know that KJC as it is now, is not OP and is a defining way the class plays. This nerf with out any buffs will significantly affect warlock DPS especially affliction and destro. I guess I need to go learn how to play demo or level my hunter from 85-90.
.Well you do understand that the test realm is beta content right? I mean, thats kinda the point. So they can try things and see how they work, before putting them live. If its as devestating as you suggest, Im sure they'll notice.
Sorry.  I'm just a bit tired of the drama. buy cheap wow accounts Go tothe PTR, try and write about why its bad if yout think so. thats why its there.
Welcome to the life of a Shadow Priest. were the least mobile ranged class in the game we have to hard cast everything. only move we can do on the run is Spam SWP which is laughable.
imo KJC isnt the problem with locks its the massive bubbles and self healing that brings u from 20% to full while still laying down heavy damage thats the problem. To kill a lock atm it take numerous people and you have to go through his heath bar 2 or 3 times to get the kill
Well there gos any chance you had  at making much money from AH   say  hello to al tons and a tons and tons and tons of new ppl  to undercut  you. Most  mats  will become almost valueless

They're Restricting Large Chunks of the Game

I stoped playing about half way through cata do my mage is stuck at 85 so I have quite a bit of catch up infront of me. wow gold for sell I do however read wow insider almost daily (although I did start reading less after arch mageypants left) so I do keep up with the changes and now seems like a god time to come back. Just really tired of being on a realm with absolutely no faction pride.
well in that case I'd simply rejoin and get into the catch-up groove on gear and such, depending again on what your in-game goals are. where to buy wow accounts  I would stick with my recommendation to wait to transfer and see how this server-merge thing goes, unless you don't mind blowing another $15 for short-term/temporary reasons.  There's nothing to say that the merged realms won't be a mess at first, but lacking other information you just might be paying to transfer yourself into a worse situation than you'd have without transferring now.  Of course, if you are on a PVP realm your leveling/catch-up experience is going to suck balls, simply because  CRZ isn't quite as "dynamic" as was advertised, so you'll still get ganked a lot and possibly frustrated in your pursuit of quest mobs and such.
Actually they aren't merging the realms, they are creating "Virtual Realms" where realms will have a combined AH, guilds, etc. but you may have the same name as a toon from another realm with the # after the name. There has been at least one article at WI about that.
They are merged realms.
I mean, you can apply whatever term you want to for the change, but unless they're restricting large chunks of the game (which it seems they're not, from the descriptions), this is a server-merge called "Virtual Realms."
If you can see a difference in the two, given what we know, please point it out.  Thus far, they haven't announced any restrictions on interacting with new-realm players that I am aware of. 



Not to crazy about the catch up mechanic, WoW gold for sale but was also not happy about the way it used to be: only the chosen one gets the shiny (chosen one meaning the Guild Leader or Raid Leader).

I guess I have no problem with it as long as it requires effort: buy cheap WoW account I dont want to go up to a vendor and plop down 5k gold and walk away with a shiny, but running LFR for weeks at a time, then having to do PVP and world "bosses", then more LFR, then more.... something else... I have no issue there.
Effort is required, and the person that gets the legendary on 10 toons is spending a ridiculous amount of time working on it.
When 5.0 dropped, everyone I knew was all I'M GOING TO GET A LEGENDARY!
I'm the only one left that is still doing it. It's not as easy as it seems to be; even if you're LFR only, you have to raid that every week to complete it. Catch up mechanics are good as far as I'm concerned.
I guess the legendary part is the work it takes to get it, not how many people will be able to get it.
I find it quite a pain in the $#%^ to keep hoping for those tokens to drop. And i believe we had to do some other things? lol the only thing i'll remember about this is the tokens...
The reward better be worth it!