
WoW PTR News

From what I've been reading on the PTR forum people (like myself) who are on a now low pop realm are going to be terribly disappointed by this Isle, Buying world of warcraft account looks like most of it requires a group, even for the regular mobs.

Everything is so over tuned you need to have an ilvl of 515 or higher to get gear that is 496.
There's people with an ilvl over 550 saying it's over tuned so here's hoping they manage to tune it properly for lower geared players. But given Blizzards past history I'm of the mind it will be over tuned just to slow everyone down. The lead systems designer has stated this is the last raid patch for MOP so expect a lot of obvious and not so obvious gating.

 It's PTR! EVERYTHING new  [almost] is over tuned. Believe me when the patch hits it will be almost under tuned. WoW accounts for sale I try not to make an ass of myself on my server by saying how hard the new content is because it will not be as bad when it goes live.
I hope they clear up some of the stuff to do there. I'm paying pretty close attention to Wow news... and so far it feels like if you aren't a crazy pet hoarder, or someone with the legendary cloak, you have almost nothing to do there.

I know it's not quite accurate, but that's the impression I get just skimming over news about it. I hope we get at least one or two definite reasons to go there that don't feel pointless.
"Just go explore" is enough motivation for... patch day afternoon.... but what else?
That's a great way to put it. Cheapest WoW accounts I love them trying new things and creating relatively more sandboxy content.  I'm a big fan of finding and creating my own goals, but as I look over what's on this island so far I gotta say I'm having trouble coming up with a reason to visit it often.


A Rogue in Normal Shado-Pan

You're not bettering the group by not doing your job. Heal hurt players until they die. That's a healer's job. Trying to qualify that is just excuses. 
And, if your group is finding that you can complete encounters after losing a DPS, then you are not pushing content (or are carrying some dead weight). In that context, yes, less able players shouldn't be battlerez'd. WoW accounts for sale But that has nothing to do with class roles. 
I'm not gonna argue with you all day about this.  You clearly don't heal and probably don't raid as most would say killing a boss is more important than keeping every single dps player up.
You do know that not every fight is a progression fight, right?  It is possible to be on Lei Shen, and not need all dps alive to kill Mag or Tortos.
I am doing my job by prioritizing. If a DPS wants to stand in the shit and hope I heal them, then they will find out quickly that I have more important people to heal. Like the tank, myself, and the people not standing in the shit.
Last night I healed a rogue in normal Shado-Pan. He died twice and otherwise continually stood in the crap on the floor. Both times he died he went from 90% to 0% in about two seconds, and when he stood in the crap, I saved him. He quite obviously was still learning what was dangerous and what was not. The running joke was "don't stand in that" and "don't stand in that either" and he took it quite well. (What can I say, I'm a druid so healing is lols for me.)
But I am not going to have as much tolerance for someone that simply assumes I will blow all my mana on them, rather than making mistakes and learning the dungeon.
Before you denounce me as "arrogant" Where to buy wow accounts (and I can be, when someone is making the run more difficult on purpose because either they don't care or they zone in with a chip on their shoulder), I have played DPS more and for far longer than I have played healer. I've run a hunter since TBC and only created my druid in Cata. I also play a rogue, so I have experience with ranged and melee dps. I know how to get out of the crap and I know I am going to die if I don't. If a healer saves me while I'm being stupid, then I will be grateful, but I sure am not going to purposefully stand in crap because "it's heals' job" to keep me alive no matter what.

Had More Than One NPC to Protect

I'd love to test my healing skills against this. I hope there's a ramp in difficulty (perhaps culminating in the group standing in the fire periodically) Cheapest WoW accounts just to give people a chance to get their foot in the door with a new role.
I'm not a fan of the DPS layout...I think it should have a tank, to mimic group play. There are issues like adds running in mid-fight, trying to keep DPS on them without pulling aggro. Things like that.

The tanking scenario, it would be nice if you had more than one NPC to protect and it would be nice if there was some tank-swapping with an NPC tank that was included.

That said, I love this concept and have been looking forward to this all expansion. Hopefully, this is just the first iteration and the system will be expanded over time. I could eventually imagine all the roles have a 5m, 10m and 25m mode.
See: Challenge Modes.  The only rewards you get from them come from being really, really good at them.  The average person that runs challenge modes doesn't see any tangible rewards from them.  Buying world of warcraft account They do it for the challenge.  This will be the same idea, except this will actually give you Achievements and Titles that are probably much easier to acquire than the ones from Challenge Modes. Considering how much healing is done by so many with the use of addons (myself included, healbot), it will be interesting to see how to incorporate a whole GROUP of NPC's. I can usually squeeze in ONE non-raid target to heal using set focus, but four? *grumble*  It will likely be done similarly to the Wrathion role quests, where the NPCs are actually made into full-class party members.
My (limited) experience with them suggests that those party members will show up as proper party frames to a unit frame addon, but someone also said in this thread that they didn't.
That person was incorrect.  For the healing one, at least, which is the only one you'd really need the frames for, the NPC's do in fact show up as actual party members.


Ranged rogue with stealth

 I have only once ever even touched sub, never used assassination and 99% of time been combat on my rogue. Buying world of warcraft account An only reason I even was sub was back when lvl 60 two rogues in raid, I was one to spec for hemorrage. 

Rogues for me have always been iconic poison using elite special ops soldiers characterized by SI:7. I play combat and only use stealth for when sneaking around, normally doing dailies I drop stealth charge in an take on 6-12 enemies at once. 

However I would love to have a ranged dps spec for rogues where they use weapons hunters use... since hunters need someone to compete with them. It's a matter of fact hunters only compete with own class for weps now. 

I don't think given the way things work (auto target, etc.) that having a "sniper" would work (Ranged rogue with stealth).  The "sniper" role didn't work so well in SWTOR (basically turned out to be a WoW hunter). WoW accounts for sale Hunter's can glyph Camouflage skill to be slow moving stealth so you can already mess with the "sniper role" now. 


The PvP Server Aspect

Bestt hing is to check outt heir website if they have one,  Buying world of warcraft account make an application and these guilds usally have a seperate chat channel you can then join and get to know folks and hopefully join up1 :) I am planning something similar with an all worgen rp guild. Good Luck!

Just roll an orc on Ravenholdt and join us!  We will be delighted to have you.  If you are new to WoW RP we are happy to help, and we've got some very skilled and experienced RPers who are eager to grow the hobby and help new people.  We have no fewer than EIGHT orcs who are or were roleplaying guild GMs for other guilds or houses.  Come see us!  If PvP servers are not your thing, talk to Narata who has an all orc, traditionalist guild on Wyrmrest Accord.

Bryanus, I wish you all the best. WoW accounts for sale Be aware you are in for a LOT o work, and a LOT of fun.  I would urge you to consider us on Ravenholdt.  Allyside RP is very active and the players there are quite welcoming.  I don't think we have an all worgen guild, and the PvP server aspect makes for an intensity I just don't see elsewhere.  Come talk to us at "The Sanctum" www.ravenholdt.us and we can just chat about it.  

 I was much the same when I first started RPng, it does involve me much more in the game and even helps me through times of emptiness in the patches every now and then!

It is in my honest opinion, well worth taking up, you won't regret it I assure you and if you don't like it, what have you lost? This is actually one of two all one-race guilds hordeside in RH, the other being the Order of the Forsaken(My guild.) which accepts undead and DKs, always interesting to see something new about RH pop up. Order of the Forsaken was one of the few who made it to the other side of Cata and into MoP. World of Warcraft accounts OoF has some very dedicated and focused RP, and I can highly recommend them for those whose blood runs cooler than orcs.  Or doesn't run at all